After hiking in Slovak Paradise you can replenish your energy in our Rumanka Restaurant. Find it in the centre of the Podlesok area, 350m from the Malý Majer Podlesok® Guesthouse. During the summer season we are open daily. All guests get discount of -10% on meals during their stay.
Did you know that the Slovak Paradise has its own airport? We have built a runway for ultralight aircraft at the Malý Majer Podlesok area. The airport improves the tourist possibilities of Podlesok and offers a unique transport option for our visitors and recreational flying enthusiasts.
Wellness area with sauna and a hot tub is only available to guests of Malý Majer Podlesok. Guests staying for 4 or more nights will receive one two-hour access for free. Treat yourself to perfect relaxation in privacy and enjoy the beautiful view of the High Tatras.
The Malý Majer Podlesok guesthouse is equipped with a charging station for electric cars. Recharging of e-bikes rented from us is free of charge for guests. Guests staying for 4 or more nights get 1x recharging of the e-bike for free. For recharging we use green energy from photovoltaic cells.
The Slovak Paradise offers a wide network of cycling routes. Rent an e-bike and explore the whole Spiš region! Most of the routes are challenging, but a mountain e-bike will make your journey much easier. The rental is only for guests staying at the hotel. We will be happy to lend you a road e-bike free of charge.
The Veľký Kysel gorge is said to be the most beautiful in the Slovak Paradise. More than 10 000 tourists pass through it every year. The obligatory equipment is a ferrata set, which you can rent next to the Rumanka Restaurant at the entrance to the Suchá Bela Gorge. The ferrata is open from 15. 06. to 31. 10.
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Martin Mariak2024-08-22 Ďakujeme majiteľom za úžasný pobyt. Pokoj, pohoda, ticho a perfektní majitelia. Vrelo odporúčame. Držíme palce k naplneniu ďalších plánov. Zazitkove Lietanie2024-08-17 úžasná lokalita, s krásnym výhľadom na Vysoké Tatry, UL-letiskom, a čistučkými priestormi penziónu, skvelá starostlivosť od majiteľov, výborné raňajky. Požičovňa bicyklov primo v penzione spolu s ďalšimi možnosťami. 10% zľava od majiteľov penzionu do neďalekej reštaurácie Rumanka, kde super varia. Odporúčam a tešim sa na ďalšiu návštevu. Nech sa darí! Anna Becíková2023-07-09 Veľmi príjemní a ochotní majitelia. Ubytovanie v tichom prostredí, blízko turistických trás. Izby čisté, s dôrazom na každý detail.